Judge & Volunteer FAQ’s

Judges and volunteers are critical to the success of the Fair!

Many opportunities are available.  Help us help the kids!

Judge & Volunteer FAQs

Who can be a volunteer?

Anyone can volunteer before, during and after the fair.   Scientific knowledge or technical experience are not required.  Just a willingness to help!

The WSSEF is a non-profit organization which relies solely on volunteers.  Thank you!

What is expected of a volunteer?

Volunteers can commit to a specific task, time period or wherever needed.   Placement is based upon the volunteers personal preference and skills.


Who can be a judge?

Anyone who has a desire to promote the advancement of the sciences and science education. Judging of projects in the high school division will require more specialized knowledge (at least a senior in college or equivalent experience) in a particular field .   Judging of projects in lower grades will be more focused on encouraging students for the future. 

What is expected of a judge?

To evaluate projects in an impartial manner while applying the judging guidelines and provide positive feedback to the student. 

Where is the Science Fair?

Bremerton High School & Performing Arts Center, 1500 13th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337

When should I arrive at the judging center?

Judges should arrive by 9:00 a.m. on Friday and 7:30 a.m. on Saturday for a brief training / orientation of the day’s events.  Ample free parking with complimentary meals and refreshments provided throughout the day for judges. 

How do I apply to be a judge?

CLICK HERE to go to the online judges registration form.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

For Judge information contact: Head Judge.

For Volunteer information contact:  Volunteer Coordinator.