Click HERE to login and sign-up to Judge 
Click HERE for 22 category selection info
For judging questions, contact
Judges are critical to the success of the Fair!
Judges’ training opportunities
We NEED JUDGES! Please volunteer now!
A one-hour zoom training session occurs prior to the fair. Training dates will be emailed to those judges who have signed up to judge.
In addition to the WSSEF, judges’ training is provided for everyone volunteering to judge at the following regional fairs: Central Sound, Mid-Columbia, Southwest, Central Sound, Discovery (previously South Sound) and Northwest. Take the training and judge at the WSSEF and/or these regional fairs.
Training and judges use Zoom. Zoom Webinar Installer
Questions? Contact Mike Huey, Head Judge for more information at: Head Judge.
By judging, you are giving encouragement and opportunities for our future scientists and engineers to grow and succeed. An added bonus is that judges receive the opportunity to experience first-hand the interesting and innovative ideas giving you renewed faith in our future generation.
Click HERE and sign-up to be a Judge. During sign-up you are asked for contact information, your preferred judging categories, and your availability for judging.
The Washington State Science and Engineering Fair provides these terrific students a forum to show case their work and earn more than $1,800,000 in scholarships, opportunities and prizes. Previously, a Washington State student earned “First Place in the World in Earth & Planetary Sciences” and a trip to CERN Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
All made possible by people like you volunteering to judge at the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair!