Many projects could easily fit into more than one project category. WSSEF uses the same categories as the International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF). We recommend that you review the entire listing of the new categories before choosing the category that most accurately describes your project.
You should carefully consider which category best describes your project because your judges will be assigned based on their expertise in your chosen category. If the project could be in multiple categories, it is best to select the primary category.
Ask yourself the following questions to help in the selection of a category:
- Who will be the most qualified to judge my project? What area of expertise is the most important for the judge to have? For example, a medical background or an engineering background?
- What is the emphasis of my project? What characteristic of my project is the most innovative, unique or important? For example, is it the application in medicine or the engineering of the machine? Is it inserting the proper gene or the method of computer mapping to demonstrate the results?
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