How to Donate & Sponsorships

Your donation, sponsorship and continued support is important.  The WSSEF does NOT receive state funding, school education funds or other subsidies.  WSSEF depends solely on your donations.

Your generous tax-deductible donations are 100% dedicated to supporting the students and the WSSEF which is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your donations!

Contact:    Or mail your check to WSSEF, PO Box 2412, Silverdale, WA  98383

Allocate work programs to WSSEF …

Match Programs & Employee Contribution Funds

  • The Boeing Company ~ designate “WSSEF” for volunteer hours and matching monetary donations or ECF Program
  • Microsoft ~ through Benevity note volunteer hours and matching monetary donations
  • Ask your company if they have an employee donation-match program.

Kitsap Great Give

The next event is 2025

Your WSSEF Great Kitsap Give donation promotes science & engineering to our kids!

Nurturing young minds to develop new ideas! The Washington State Science & Engineering Fair (WSSEF) in its 68th year began as the Kitsap County Science Fair in 1957 sponsored by the Bremerton PTA and Olympic College. Today, WSSEF is one of the State’s oldest and largest educational non-profit organizations outside the classroom. With your support, we offer an annual venue to all students grades 1-12 to showcase their projects receiving judging and professional feedback for their efforts. Every child at each grade level has the opportunity to earn more than $1.8 million in scholarships, trips, awards and prizes. WSSEF is an educational outreach advocating support to local fairs and ISEF affiliated Regional Fairs. WSSEF is the concept lead for the “WISE Team” (Washington International Science & Engineering Team) advancing our top students to national and international fairs, seminars, conferences and other competitions.

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